Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hope that your liking the all new shows. By Momma D

Summer is here and new things abound.

Pinkie's got a new job, Momma's got a new job and Marsha has got a new cocktail and a new job and we've got a new show, and it's all new, new, new, new, new, new!
So I know we've dropped off the side of the planet recently, but screw you, we had shit to do.

Really, though. Such a potty mouth on me. Please come back and listen to our new shows and gather around our feet while we perform. We're some crazy bitches, and we're desperate for an adoring audience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gay stars!! I was so happy to see DOD#26 in my iTunes!! Can't wait to hear more shows and hear more from my Jenkins sisters!